History of the Commission

In 1920 Woodrow Wilson signed the Smith-Fees Act, also known as the National Civilian Rehabilitation Act. This law provided the funding for states to offer vocational guidance, training, occupational adjustment and placement services to individuals with disabilities. It was the beginning of the Public Vocational Rehabilitation Program, or VR. In addition, the law allowed for the separation of state VR agencies into those that serve individuals who are legally blind and those that provide services to individuals with other types of disabilities.

In 1936, the Randolph-Sheppard Act gave people who are legally blind the rights to operate vending and food-service venues in federally owned properties, and this ultimately led to the establishment of the Business Enterprise Program (BEP) in 48 states.

Over the decades, new laws, as well as amendments to existing laws, expanded the scope of services offered by vocational rehabilitation agencies.

During the 1950s, the South Carolina Department of Public Welfare was providing services for South Carolinians who were blind or had a severe visual impairment. The department’s Division of the Blind taught crafts, supervised vending operations, and placed clients in limited forms of employment.

Recognizing the need for increasing the services available to those with visual impairments, the South Carolina Aurora Club of the Blind, now known as the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina, passed a resolution at its 1964 convention calling for the creation of a separate agency to serve individuals who are blind.

Early the following year, a nine-member legislative committee was formed to explore the feasibility of creating a State Commission for the Blind. After careful study, it recommended establishing the new agency. The committee based its decision on data which indicated that South Carolina ranked among the top 10 states in the number of new cases of blindness reported and the incidence of blindness per 1,000 population.

The South Carolina Commission for the Blind (SCCB) was created by legislative enactment in 1966 and began functioning as a separate agency in January 1967. By the end of the decade, it had grown from operating out of one office to numerous locations around the state and had served more than 12,000 individuals.

Today, SCCB continues to provide specialized services to citizens of South Carolina who are blind or low vision. New legislation, such as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, has streamlined and strengthened the services offered through Vocational Rehabilitation, making it easier to assist individuals in gaining economic and social independence.

In addition to vocational rehabilitation, SCCB also provides the following unique services:

  • The Business Enterprise Program helps prepare qualified individuals, through 16-weeks of training, become self-employed vending or food service facility operators. Under the Randolph-Sheppard Act, SCCB is the State Licensing Agency for individuals who are blind or low vision who operate vending facilities.
  • Children’s Services, provides assistance to children ages 3 to 12, ensuring they have assistive technology and resources available at home, and helping them with building confidence and independence from an early age.
  • Older Blind Services, for individuals at age 55 and older who are not interested in employment, focuses on assistance that helps individuals remain independent and in their homes and communities.
  • Prevention Services, provides financial assistance for sight-saving procedures for individuals who meet financial need requirements.